I mentioned in my last two blogs that interrogatives were tremendously useful for learning a new language, and there is a whole series of pronouns (interrogative or not) whose dialectal correspondences reveal many interesting patterns for historical-comparative Chinese linguistics. In one of my earliest blogs, I compared the Cantonese and Mandarin pronominal paradigms and pointed out some superficial correspondences:
Singular Plural
1st 我 我哋
2nd 你 你哋
3rd 佢 佢哋
For those of you who are familiar with Mandarin, you’ll quickly notice some very obvious morphological parallels that are fully productive in the formation of personal pronouns, namely 哋(Cantonese)/們(Mandarin), which can be conveniently analysed as plural person markers. Similar correspondences can be seen in the paradigms of demonstratives (this, that) and locatives (here, there):
Singular Plural
Proximal demonstrative (e.g. this) 呢個 呢啲
Distal demonstrative (e.g. that) 嗰個 嗰啲
Proximal locative (e.g here) 呢度 –
Distal locative (e.g. there) 嗰度 –
It should be transparent that the morpheme 呢 denotes spatial proximity (cf Mandarin 這) while 嗰 indicates spatial distance (cf Mandarin 那), whereas the classifier 個 denotes singular number and 啲 plural number (cf Mandarin 個 and 些 respectively). In the locative paradigm, 呢 and 嗰 retain the same demonstrative spatial functions while the locative meaning is marked by 度 (cf Mandarin 裏/裡, as discussed last time). Amazing architecture in our pronominal systems. No wonder all the best architects in the world are Chinese.