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Academic Activities/Memberships/Responsibilities

An abridged version can be found on my academic webpage

On this page, I outline all my academic activities, associations and administrative positions in reverse chronological order: 

Academic Membership

2019-present         Researcher in Training at Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education

2018-present         Research Scholar at Ronin Institute

2017-present         Distinguished Editorial Review Board Member for Journal of American Academic Research

                                 (United States) 

2017-present         Member and Sponsor for We are Higher Education (H.E.) (United Kingdom)

2017-present         Member of Inside Higher Ed (United Kingdom) 

2017-present         Member, Sponsor, Associate and Founding Member of 314 Action (United States) 

2017-present         Member and Sponsor for March for Science (United States)

2017-present         Member of the Linguistics Society of Hong Kong (LSHK)

2016-present         Online Member and Subscriber to Glossa

2016-present         Member of Oxford Academic

2016-present         Member of the Hong Kong Applied Linguistics Society

2015-present         Member of the Royal Statistical Society (United Kingdom) 

2015-present         Expert member and Reviewer for ScienceOpen

2015-present         Member and Subscriber to Linguistics in Open Access 

2015-present         Member of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL)

2015-present         Online Subscriber to Historical Syntax (HS), Language

2015-present         Member of the Macau Cantonese Association (澳門粵方言學會)

2015-present         Member and Group Participant of the Humanities Commons (HC) via the Modern Languages                                            Association (MLA) Commons

2014-present         Member of the Chinese Dialect Society (CDS) (漢語方言學會成員)

2014-present         Member of the Hong Kong Cantonese Linguistics Society 

2014-present         Member of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Cantonese Society (CUHKCanSoc)

2013-present         Member of the Chinese University Linguistics Society (CUHKLingSoc)

2013-present         Member of the Hong Kong University Linguistics Society (HKULingSoc)

2013-present         Member of the Association of Hispanists in Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI)

2013-present         Life Member of the North American Conference in Chinese Linguistics (NACCL)

2012-2015              Subscriber and Peer-reviewer for Journal of Historical Syntax (JHS)

2012-present         Life Member of International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL)

2012-present         Student Member of the Linguistic Association of Great Britain (LAGB)

2012-present         Graduate Member and Sponsor for the Modern Languages Association (MLA)

2011-present         Member of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA)

2009-present         Online Subscriber to the Historical Linguist List (Histling-l)

2009-present         Member, Student Associate and Blogger of the Philological Society (PhilSoc)

2007-present         Student Member and Organizer of Oxford Linguistics Society (OxfordLinguists)

Academic/Administrative Duties

2020                        Community Journalist at Ronin Institute (tweeting academic news @RoninInstitute)

2019                        Co-organiser of the University of York Centre for Modern Studies (CModS) Annual Symposium                                           (administrative duties include organising abstract submissions, contacting humanities                                                         departments of neighbouring affiliated universities such as University of Leeds and advertising on                                   social media)

2018                        Guest Reviewer for Corpora (Edinburgh University Press)

2018                        Guest Reviewer for Chinese Language and Discourse (John Benjamins Company)

2018-present         Member, Collaborator and Co-organiser of Historical and Contemporary Knowledgebase of                                               Sociolinguistics (HaCKS), White Rose College of the Arts and Humanities (Universities of Leeds,                                         Sheffield and York) (United Kingdom)

2016-2017              Organiser, Co-ordinator and Chair at the Fifth Postgraduate Academic Researchers in Linguistics at                             York (PARLAY)

2017-present         Distinguished Editorial Reviewer for Journal of American Academic Research (JAAR)

                                 (number of manuscripts reviewed thus far: 1)

2015-present         Group Organiser and Administrator (Teaching Chinese Language and Literature) in Humanities                                         Commons (HC) 

2016-present         Peer-reviewer for Glossa

2015-present         Peer-reviewer for ScienceOpen 

2015-2016              Running Candidate for the Executive Committee for the Modern Languages Association (MLA)                                          Language Change Forum

2014-2015              Abstract Reviewer for the 24th Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe                                        (ConSOLE XXIV) (number of abstracts reviewed: 1) 

2014-2015              Abstract Reviewer for the Third Postgraduate Academic Researchers in Linguistics at York (PARLAY)

                                 (number of abstracts reviewed: 1)

2013-2014              Research and Language Assistant at Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) 

2012-2013              Peer-Reviewer for Journal of Historical Syntax (JHS)

2012-2013              Co-chair/panelist on the Executive Committee for the Modern Languages Association                                                         (MLA) Discussion Group 'Comparative Romance Linguistics and Literature' at the MLA Convention                                   in Boston, January 2013

2013-2014              Abstract Reviewer for the Manchester Forum in Linguistics (MFiL) for young and early career                                             researchers (number of abstracts reviewed: 2) 

2012-2013              Administrative organiser, Abstract Reviewer and Presenter at the Manchester Forum in Linguistics                                   (MFiL) for young and early career researchers (number of abstracts reviewed: 1)

2011-2012              Administrative organiser and Abstract Reviewer for the Manchester Forum in Linguistics (MFiL) for                                  young and early career researchers (number of abstracts reviewed: 2)

2010-2011              Administrative helper and Abstract Reviewer for the Manchester Forum in Linguistics (MFiL) for                                        young and early career researchers (number of abstracts reviewed: 1) 

2010-2013              Foreign Language Assistant (Spanish, Italian, Chinese (Mandarin)) at the School of Arts, Languages                                   and Cultures, University of Manchester

2009-2010              Language Assistant at the Manchester University Language Centre

2007-2008              Student helper for Balliol College admissions

2005-2006              Student helper for Balliol College admissions 

2004-2005              Co-editor of Sherborne School Magazine (The Shirburnian)

Keith Tse


Given my research interests, my academic affiliations tend to be with Latin/Romance and Chinese linguistics institutions in addition to the main general linguistics ones. I also participated in the student administration of all the universities that I had studied in (Oxford (Balliol), Manchester, York) as well as in the MLA. I have also made contact with leading figures in our field, and I am grateful to all my referees, especially those who have never taught me formally (Ian, Sheng-Li, Stephen, Virginia, Elly, Edith), for consenting to serve as my referees and support my academic career. I shall forever be in your debt. I can only hope to repay my debt by similarly supporting other young people in the future. Indeed, I am an alumnus mentor for all the universities that I have studied/worked in. Recently, I have also joined two American societies (314 Action and March for Science) and have shown solidarity with their quest to protect scientific education and research in North America and beyond, which has to be our top priority as academics since any reduction or curtailment to our scientific traditions would be absolutely catastrophic in our modern digital/technological age. 

Academic Activities

2017                        Petitioner for Dame Nancy Rothwell to Scrap staff redundancies at University of Manchester

2015-present         Member, Supporter and Petitioner for Support Fair Open Access in Linguistics (LingOA)

2015                        Semi-finalist for 'Many Languages One World' Essay Competition

2015                        Resident Scholar at 'Battle of Ideas', Barbican Centre, London

2015                        Academy Scholar at 'Institute of Ideas', Wyboston Lakes Executive Centre, Bedfordshire, United                                        Kingdom

Academic Networks

Dr Philomen Probert (Wolfson College, University of Oxford)

Dr John Penney (Wolfson College, University of Oxford)

Professor (Emeritus) Nigel Vincent (University of Manchester)

Professor David Langslow (University of Manchester)

Professor Ian Roberts (Downing College, University of Cambridge)

Professor Feng Sheng-Li (Chinese University of Hong Kong/Beijing                                               Language and Culture University)

Professor Stephen Matthews (Hong Kong University)

Professor Giuseppe Longobardi (University of York)

Dr George Tsoulas (University of York)

Professor Peter Sells (University of York)

Professor Elly van Gelderen (Arizona State University) 

Professor Edith Aldridge (University of Washington/Academia                                                        Sinica)

ASPIRE-RingsLightest Edge for scholars l
Intellectual/Research Skills

Scientific modelling and hypothesis testing (Research Methods at the University of Manchester)

Conventions in linguistic writing and referencing (Research Methods at the University of Manchester and University of York)

Writing book reviews (Research Methods at the University of Manchester)

Writing linguistic abstracts (Research Methods at the University of Manchester)

Bibliographical search and literature review (Research Methods at the University of Manchester and University of York)

Writing research proposals (Research Methods at the University of Manchester)

Formulating and designing research experiments (Research Methods at the University of York

Corpus linguistics (Research Methods at the University of Manchester and the University of York)

Using CHILDES for Research on First Language Acquisition (Research Methods at the University of York)

Analytical and critical analysis of secondary literature (Research Methods at the University of York)

Carrying out Sociolinguistics Experiments (Sociolinguistics Project at the University of Manchester)  

Designing Typological Surveys and Searching for Cross-linguistic Examples ('Language Typology' at the Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute 2013)

Conference presentation skills (oral/poster) (Research Methods at the University of Manchester and University of York

Quantitative Methods using R (University of York)

Research Ethics (Research Methods at University of Manchester and University of York)

Effective Research (Research Methods at University of York

Conventions of Academic Publications (journal articles, book reviews, research proposals) (Research Methods at University of York)

Use of Social Media for Academic Research (Research Methods at University of York

Publishing Conventions (Publication Forum at the University of York

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