Photos (various other things)
Here are a few more things that I have done over the years.
Keith Tse
Having a friend for dinner
In Summer 2007, I had dinner with a friend one evening and we started chatting on our trip back home. It was a pretty long conversation, since, as I recall, we talked about a wide variety of topics. Unbeknownst to me, she wrote and published this article in which she recounted the content of our conversation. It was a very nice article by my friend Joy and I thank her most sincerely for her complimentary remarks. The original draft and English version can be downloaded here.
Trade Union Meetings, London, 2016
As a member of several trade unions in London, I was invited and participated in several big political events in 2016, namely the annual Marxist festival, which was especially good that year given the political climate and controversy (Brexit, US presidential elections), and the trade union conference in the Congress Centre on Great Russell Street, and our guest speaker was none other than the one and only Jeremy Corbyn who walked past me in haste and I managed to get a close snapshot of him. This is probably as close as I'll ever get to being the leader of the UK Labour Party. Surreal.
Going back to school (Diocesan Boys School, Hong Kong)
In April 2017, I attended a public lecture at my old school in Hong Kong, Diocesan Boys' School (DBS). I had not been back in years and going back there brought back some funny emotions in me. It looked very different from when I had last been there, but seeing some old places reminded me of my time there. I hope to go back again, perhaps in a more important capacity like as a guest speaker or presenter at some important event, since although I only spent one year of formal study there, the time I spent there was hugely pivotal in my personal development. On the left below is a photo we took with my childhood pal Steve and two old teachers of mine, and on the right is an old photo I found of a courtyard which overlooks my old classroom (Form 1A). Amazing.