Please get in touch via the contact form or social media (see details on this page), and I shall endeavour to respond to your messages as soon as I can. Thanks in advance for getting in touch!
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Keith Tse
Human Linguist
Please enter your message and contact details below.
As you can see from my website, I am a linguist and I have a wide range of interests. Please feel free to get in touch on any topic that you think I would be able to contribute to. I would be especially interested in matters related to languages and linguistics, namely Indo-European, Latin-Romance, East Asian-Chinese, syntax and sociolinguistics. Or if you want to chat about history/politics, music, literature, drama or football, I would be more than happy to do so, though I must confess that my temper and patience get very short when it comes to recreational topics so please do not expect a smooth response from me, especially if you are a Manchester United fan (!).