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Book chapters

An abridged version can be found on my academic webpage

The following papers were published as chapters in edited volumes. Abstracts and downloadable copies are provided below in reverse chronological order: 


‘The grammaticalization of K(case)Ps within Minimalism: formalism vs functionalism, synchrony vs diachrony’, in Bednaříková, Božena and Pavla, Hernandezová (eds), Bohemica Olomucensia,Od slova k modelu jazyka: Sborník z 13. mezinárodního setkání mladých lingvistů. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (ISBN: 978-80-244-3960-0), pp. 310-325.

Roberts and Roussou (2003) argue that the cross-linguistic distribution of grammaticalization is due to its “simplification”, and the grammaticalization of case-markers displays it since there is a loss of “Agree” relations. Synchronic “simplicity” explains diachronic trends, and formalism and functionalism are not mutually exclusive.

Abstract downloadable here:  

Final draft of chapter downloadable here:

Proof copy of chapter downloadable here:  

Published volume downloadable here:  

Keith Tse


Writing a book chapter is somewhat different from working papers or technical reports, and I have been fortunate enough to have been invited to contribute a chapter in this (Czech) volume. I know the people at the University of Palacky, and they expressed an interest in my work after discovering that I had worked on linguistic formalism and functionalism. My sincerest thanks to them. 

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